Help in IT help, assistance between individuals

Computer help: assistance, troubleshooting
Today, computing is omnipresent in our lives, whether it's for communicating with loved ones, working, or even for hobbies such as gaming or streaming. Unfortunately, not everyone has the necessary skills to use these computer tools optimally. This is where Askaide comes in, a peer-to-peer platform that offers a dedicated section for computer help, free of charge. Whether you're a novice or an advanced user, you can find help to solve the computer problems you encounter. Skilled individuals on the Askaide platform can help you install software, troubleshoot internet connection issues, set up your email, and much more.
The computer help section is accessible to everyone, whether they're individuals seeking help or those willing to assist others. Qualified individuals can easily help those in need of computer assistance by answering their questions and providing useful advice. Askaide platform is a practical and accessible solution for anyone in need of computer assistance. Whether you're a student in need of help with a specific task or a parent trying to understand how to use an application to communicate with your children, you can find suitable help on Askaide. Moreover, the computer help section on Askaide is completely free. You can access this section without any additional fees and get online assistance in just a few clicks. You don't need to pay exorbitant fees to professionals to solve common computer problems.
The computer help section of Askaide is a valuable resource for anyone in need of computer assistance. It allows you to find skilled and available individuals to help for free. The platform is a practical, affordable, and accessible solution for everyone. If you need computer help, don't hesitate to join the Askaide community today to find suitable assistance for your needs.

Check out the latest announcements from IT help, assistance

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    Dépannage et/ ou cours informatique

    Un problème avec votre MAC ou votre PC ? Une difficulté rencontrer avec votre Chromebook et/ou votre smartphone ? L’imprimante n’imprime plus ? Vous voulez découvrir les joies de l’informatique et...

    , Nicolas profile picture

    Nicolas , Roanne

    Icon category IT help, assistance
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    Cours de français jusqu’au niveau 4ème

    Après une série d’évaluations réalisées à partir d’exercices d’orthographe, grammaire, vocabulaire, etc, nous nous concentrerons uniquement sur les lacunes de votre enfant afin de pouvoir améliorer se...

    , Nicolas profile picture

    Nicolas , Roanne

    Icon category IT help, assistance
  • Show service information

    Aide informatique en tout genre

    Annonce : Aide Informatique - Cours et Assistance sur Windows 🔹 Besoin d’aide avec votre ordinateur sous Windows ? 🔹 Je propose des cours et une assistance personnalisée pour vous aider à mieux...

    , Lenny profile picture

    Lenny , Martres-Tolosane

    Icon category IT help, assistance
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    réparateur hardware et un peut software

    "Passionné par l’informatique et la réparation d’ordinateurs, je propose mes services pour diagnostiquer et réparer vos PC fixes et portables. Que ce soit pour un problème matériel ou logiciel, je peu...

    , talya profile picture

    talya , Bouffémont

    Icon category IT help, assistance
  • What skills do you need to offer computer help?

    Computer troubleshooting skills

    Most IT help requests are either for troubleshooting or upgrading on a particular software or IT tool. As you know, the computer world for individuals is separated between two large blocks: computers under Windows and those under Mac. A third environment is also developing, that of Android, which has left the mobile sphere to also establish itself on certain tablets and laptops.

    The most in-demand skill is that of a computer troubleshooter. Someone who will be able to analyze why a computer is blocked or broken down and how to intervene to restart it. It is therefore not enough to have some knowledge of office software to be able to work on a computer.

    When you offer your intervention for computer assistance at home, you must also have a certain number of valuable tools, such as:

    • Antivirus software that can scan another computer's content
    • An external hard drive (or USB key) that can restart the locked computer
    • A set of software capable of detecting where the failure is
    • Cables, connectors and adapters of all kinds to connect two devices together

    Computer help requires an inquisitive mind, capable of logic to identify a problem and with a wide range of computer skills to know how to intervene.

    Computer support skills

    The other type of request for computer help comes from the lack of understanding individuals have of their computers. Very often, they bought the device without having acquired sufficient skills to know how to use it.

    They follow instructions written on a post-it that explain to them how to turn on the machine, how to connect to the Internet or send an email, but as soon as the computer freezes following an unusual manipulation, they are completely helpless to understand the cause of the incident and how to fix it.

    In these cases, it is possible to intervene remotely by taking control of this person's computer or by talking with him by telephone or videoconference, for example using his mobile telephone or, if is impossible, by intervening at home. The speaker must then show great patience and a certain sense of pedagogy.

    The assistance service then turns into a training service so that the person having difficulty with their computer understands what happened, why the computer crashed and how to make it work properly again.

    Sometimes the intervention can be very simple: downloading another version of software, removing a malicious program, installing a more powerful antivirus, etc.

    The skills required for computer assistance are here more related to knowledge of software (in software) than in hardware (components of the computer).
  • How to find a computer scientist?

    Thanks to Askaide, find a computer specialist near you! Indicate your needs and discover the best profiles to repair a computer or remove a virus. You will have the opportunity to see their skills and recommendations, choose the profiles that interest you and contact the member directly to determine the schedules and the mission together. When you are satisfied with the mission carried out, do not forget to recommend the services of your IT specialist on Askaide!
  • What IT support services are most in demand?

    Computer science is one of the fields for which computer assistance services are the most varied. In your profile sheet, remember to specify on what you can offer your services (Windows, Mac, Android, software, mobile phones, tablets, networks, etc.).

    Here are some examples of services that are in high demand:

    • Virus scanning, threat detection and removal
    • Cleaning and optimizing a computer that has become too slow
    • Replacement of a computer component (hard drive, RAM, graphics card)
    • Software installation and configuration
    • Installation of printer, scanner or photocopier
    • Networking multiple home computers
    • Internet network configuration
    • Windows reinstallation
    • Learning the basics of a computer

    Askaide does not take any commission on these computer assistance services and does not ask you for any subscription. We are a free mutual aid platform between individuals and all profits made by advertising are entirely donated to charities.
  • How to get help to finance computer assistance?

    Home help services can be partially covered by the French State if the service provider has made a Request for Approval of Personal Services (SAP).

    Any individual who uses IT assistance with a participant declared to the SAP can obtain a tax credit of up to 50% of the amount spent if he declares to the tax services the sums paid via the URSSAF procedure called CESU .

    If you intend to offer your services in France for computer troubleshooting or computer assistance, it is therefore in your best interest to obtain this approval and to declare it in your profile file on your Askaide account in order to increase your chances of being selected.

    For Belgium, in the Walloon region and the Brussels-capital region, it is possible to pay for small jobs with ALE cheques. Check with your Local Employment Agency. In the Flemish region, other types of checks, the "wijk-werkcheques" can also be used and also give the right to a tax reduction.

Ads for IT help, assistance by city:

Welcome to our platform dedicated to computer assistance and computer repair services in the main cities of France and Belgium.
Whether you're looking for a computer technician to solve a technical problem, a home computer repair service, assistance with configuring your equipment, or even training on software usage, you've come to the right place. We provide an exhaustive list of qualified professionals to meet your specific needs in information technology.
Whether you reside in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, or any other major city in France, or in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, or any other major city in Belgium, our platform features a geolocation system to quickly find you a computer technician near you. This way, you can resolve your computer problems quickly and efficiently.
We strongly believe in the importance of reliability and speed in delivering IT services. That's why we are committed to providing quality computer repair services, so you can use your equipment with peace of mind.
Explore our website now to find the best computer assistance services near you and fully enjoy your computer equipment.


You can offer your help for computer help by registering on Askaide. It's completely free: no commission on your services, no monthly subscription will be required.

The profiles sought in IT assistance can be those of students from prestigious schools or freelancers specializing in development or specific software, for example. It is not enough to have computer knowledge to be able to transmit your knowledge.

You must also have a good dose of pedagogy and know how to put yourself at the level of the people you train.

Once your account has been validated, all you have to do is complete your profile by detailing what types of IT assistance services you will offer, whether you are working at home, remotely or only on your premises, your experience in this field and your diplomas. , in which geographical area and at what price you can intervene.
  • Computer help, assistance and troubleshooting between individuals on askaide

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