Charter of good conduct

Created in 2019, Askaide is an aid platform between individuals focused on mutual aid and solidarity. It gives the possibility to the community to interact with help seekers and help givers freely. This model is based on trust and respect for the values ​​of the platform that we ask you to respect in order to ensure sharing, respect, security and benevolence on  
Thanks to these rules, mutual aid within our community will be done in a good spirit. By registering on Askaide, you agree to respect our charter of good conduct and our conditions of use.  

I promise to provide an honest and complete profile

As an Askaide user, I provide correct information about my identity, location, availability, skills and experience. It is forbidden to pretend to be someone else or to introduce false information such as the photo of another person and bad contact details or even to fraudulently use the identifiers of another member.  
Depending on the reliability of the profiles, Askaide highlights certain accounts in its search engine. I understand that it is possible to develop my reputation by obtaining recommendations and by completing my profile with correct information. Your personal data remains, of course, confidential.

I pledge to be respectful by private messages

As a member of the community, I respect the rules of good conduct when interacting with others:

  • I do not send disrespectful, insulting or harassing messages
  • I do not send defamatory or denigrating messages to any legal or natural person
  • I have no discriminatory comments: racism, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, relating to religion, disability, age, sexual orientation/identity...
  • I do not send repetitive messages, spam or even viruses or malware
  • I do not share links to external sites whose content is likely to shock

If I encounter a message that shocks me and that does not respect the wishes of the platform, I contact the Askaide team directly, clearly justifying the reason for my request for moderation.

I ensure everyone's safety.

The Askaide team checks the announcements every day, but let's all be vigilant by reporting any behavior, message or announcement that does not respect the code of good conduct. 

In order to protect myself, I avoid asking or giving other members personal information before a first meeting such as a private telephone number, an e-mail address... During a first meeting, I inform my relatives of the place and the identity of the person I am about to meet. It is forbidden to misuse the information that one may have received from a person met via Askaide. 

In times of health crisis, I respect barrier gestures: I wear a mask, I keep a distance from others and I wash my hands regularly.  

I undertake to respect the missions and the work requested

Askaide is a networking platform. Whether I am asking for help or rendering a service, I keep the agreed commitments and ensure the quality of the mission while ensuring good communication. I agree not to base my choices on the gender, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, medical condition or family situation of members of the Askaide community.  

As a help giver, I have access to all requests from the platform but I have the responsibility to only apply to those who are in my area of ​​expertise. If I offer myself for a service, I am bound to carry it out. I use common sense and don't cancel an appointment at the last minute. If I find myself unable to carry out a mission, I contact the person requesting assistance as soon as possible.

I leave recommendations when I am satisfied

In order to encourage mutual aid and the exchange of good practices, I write recommendations that are relevant, honest and representative of the help provided. I post my testimonials only on Askaide so that other members of the community can benefit from my opinion.  

It is forbidden to encourage someone to leave a positive testimonial, nor to use the threat of a negative testimonial to obtain a desired result, nor to influence another user's testimonial by promising compensation. 
In case of dissatisfaction, I take note that it is possible to report a profile by contacting the Askaide team.  

If a testimonial conflicts with our values, we may remove it from the platform. Repeat violations may result in the suspension or permanent deactivation of the affected account(s).

I respect the values ​​and the charter of good conduct of Askaide

This charter of good conduct protects the entire community so that it can continue to attract new members. It is based on our values ​​and ensures the proper functioning and agreement on the platform. In the event of non-compliance, the Askaide team will intervene in the moderation of profiles or the deletion of your account. 
The Askaide team reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and notices of this charter at any time. It is advisable to regularly consult the latest version available.