The different types of medical care include, for example, acupuncture (traditionally used in Chinese medicine), homeopathy, naturopathy (including change of diet, massage, hypnosis) or phytotherapy (use of herbs medicinal).
Osteopathy allows the treatment of muscular problems or chronic pain, by manipulating your musculoskeletal system or by using myofascial release techniques.
Acupuncture can treat pain caused by inflammation. It also facilitates weight loss, fight against stress, fight against smoking or facilitate pregnancy. Derived from Chinese medicine, it is widely used in France and Belgium.
Naturopathy seeks to rebalance bodily functioning through natural means such as the adoption of a diet, fasting, a healthy lifestyle and mental management. It is recognized by the WHO in the same way as traditional Chinese medicine.
Hypnosis is a natural state that allows the unconscious to be more present in order to help the patient transform his way of perceiving a situation. Hypnosis makes it possible to better accept pain (hypnoanalgesia) or to use the modified state of consciousness for therapeutic effects such as smoking cessation.
Askaide offers you ads on its platform for mutual assistance between individuals on all these types of medical care for free consultation.