Help services between individuals in Lyon

The city of Lyon, which is located in the Rhône department, in France. Lyon is the third largest city in France and is known for its historical architecture, its gastronomy and its strategic position between the Alps and the Mediterranean. The city center of Lyon is divided into two parts by the Rhone river. The eastern part of the city, called "La Presqu'île", is home to many pedestrian streets, shops, restaurants and bars, as well as historical monuments such as the Saint-Jean cathedral and Place Bellecour. of the city, known as "Old Lyon", is a preserved medieval quarter, with cobbled streets and half-timbered houses. Vieux Lyon is also home to the famous Fourvière basilica, which offers breathtaking views of the city.
Lyon is also known for its gastronomy, in particular for its traditional dishes such as quenelle, brioche sausage and cheese-based dishes such as raclette and fondue. The city is also known for its Bouchons, traditional Lyonnais restaurants where locals gather to eat and socialize. Finally, Lyon is a vibrant city with a rich cultural life, including many museums, festivals and events throughout the year, as well as a booming arts district known as "La Confluence".
<em>Help services</em> between <em>individuals</em> in <em>Lyon</em>

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    Travaux de Jardinage dans le RHÔNE

    Bonjour , Je me déplace à votre convenance. Je me propose d'entretenir votre jardin, vos espaces verts (tonte de gazon, taille des arbres, des haies),passage motoculteur entretien de clôtures...

    , Zino profile picture

    Zino , Lyon

    Icon category Gardening
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    Travaux de BRICOLAGE maison appartement

    Travailleur manuel dans l’âme avec expérience ,TRAVAIL SOIGNE N'HÉSITEZ PAS À ME CONTACTER.. Les travaux sont étudiés et exécutés par votre propre interlocuteur en l'occurrence moi....

    , Zino profile picture

    Zino , Lyon

    Icon category DIY
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    Garde pour cette été !

    Bonjour à tous ! Étant là tout l’été, je propose mes services pour des gardes d’enfants je suis disponible tout les jours ! Je suis en contrat avec 2 agence de babysitting donc mes compétences...

    , Maeva profile picture

    Maeva , Lyon

    Icon category Babysitting
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    Babysitteur fiable et compatissante dotée d'une expertise en planification d'activités, maintien de la sécurité amélioration du comporteme Bonne connaissance des besoins des comportement des enfants A...

    , pearl profile picture

    pearl , Lyon

    Icon category Babysitting

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