Help services between individuals in Bruxelles

The city of Lyon, which is located in the Rhône department, in France. Lyon is the third largest city in France and is known for its historical architecture, its gastronomy and its strategic position between the Alps and the Mediterranean. The city center of Lyon is divided into two parts by the Rhone river. The eastern part of the city, called "La Presqu'île", is home to many pedestrian streets, shops, restaurants and bars, as well as historical monuments such as the Saint-Jean cathedral and Place Bellecour. of the city, known as "Old Lyon", is a preserved medieval quarter, with cobbled streets and half-timbered houses. Vieux Lyon is also home to the famous Fourvière basilica, which offers breathtaking views of the city.
Lyon is also known for its gastronomy, in particular for its traditional dishes such as quenelle, brioche sausage and cheese-based dishes such as raclette and fondue. The city is also known for its Bouchons, traditional Lyonnais restaurants where locals gather to eat and socialize. Finally, Lyon is a vibrant city with a rich cultural life, including many museums, festivals and events throughout the year, as well as a booming arts district known as "La Confluence".
<em>Help services</em> between <em>individuals</em> in <em>Bruxelles</em>

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    Aide à la personne

    Bonjour, J’aimerais faire aide la personne, j’ai de l’expérience, j’ai fais des études 2 ans + j’ai travaillée dans le domaine du 18 septembre 2023 au 21 mai 2024 , j’ai vécu en Belgique jusqu’à m...

    , Severine profile picture

    Severine , Bruxelles

    Icon category Seniors
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    je suis étudiante en 5eme secondaire j'ai 17 ans , je parle français ,anglais , neerlandais et arabe.j'aime jouer au tennis j'ai déja fait du bénévolat dans une association .

    , Rania profile picture

    Rania , Bruxelles

    Icon category Babysitting
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    Jeune étudiant dynamique, travailler, ponctuel et appliquée

    Après mes prestationns ous serez toujours satisfait du résultat, fait moi confiance.

    , Jason profile picture

    Jason , Bruxelles

    Icon category Housekeeper
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    Cours de langues,théâtre, aide à domicile.

    Je cherche un travail en relation avec mes passions. Je suis professeur de théâtre pour enfants et adolescents. Je donne des cours de langues (français, italien), de français (aide aux devoirs ) histo...

    , valentina profile picture

    valentina , Bruxelles

    Icon category Courses and activities

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