Help in Courses and activities between individuals

Sports Courses and Sporting Activities
In today's society, it is increasingly important to take care of one's body and health. Physical activities are an excellent way to do this, but it's not always easy to find the course or activity that suits us. This is where Askaide comes in, offering a free ad platform for France and Belgium, where you can find sports courses and workout sessions near you. Are you looking for a yoga class? Do you want to practice a specific sport or get in shape with the advice of a sports coach? Askaide allows you to search for ads based on your choice criteria, such as location, type of sporting activity, difficulty level, and much more. You can even filter results based on the availability of teachers or sports coaches.
In addition to searching for sports courses, you can also offer your own services or sports equipment for rent. If you are a yoga teacher or a sports coach, you can offer your services to help people get fit or practice their favorite sport. If you have gym equipment for rent, you can also offer it to those in need. Askaide thus facilitates the search for sports courses and physical activities for individuals. It is a free and easy-to-use platform that allows everyone to find what they are looking for and to offer their services in return. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, you will surely find a sports activity that suits you on Askaide.
In short, if you are looking for a yoga class, a specific sport or a sports coach, or if you have gym equipment for rent, Askaide is the solution. Thanks to this free ad platform, you can easily find what you are looking for and enjoy the benefits of a sporting activity for your health and well-being. So don't hesitate any longer, join the Askaide community now!

Check out the latest announcements from Courses and activities

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    Activité physique adapté à tout public

    Je m’appelle Appolinaire je suis enseignant en activité physique adaptée et santé avec plusieurs expériences en gériatrie et auprès des personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap. Je suis habilité :...

    , Hounsou profile picture

    Hounsou , Achères

    Icon category Courses and activities
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    Cours de gymnastique artistique

    Bonjour, je propose des cours de gymnastique artistique pour des enfants ou adolescents ayant déjà un minimum d'expérience dans la région de Nanterre et ses environs. En tant que gymnaste je vous aide...

    , Ophélie profile picture

    Ophélie , Nanterre

    Icon category Courses and activities
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    Cours particulier Krav-Maga Self-défense Boxes Bâton

    Bonjour, à toutes et à tous Vous propose des cours particulier à domicile ou extérieur à Paris et ses alentours - Krav-Maga - Boxe française - Boxe Anglaise - Self-défense - Bâton té...

    , lcsportsconnexion92 profile picture

    lcsportsconnexion92 , Clichy

    Icon category Courses and activities
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    Cours de remise en forme

    Actuellement en BTS électrotechnique et étant actuellement hockeyeurs en U20 élite chez les boxers de bordeaux je serais ravi de vous faire un coaching sportif ou un coaching de remise en forme.

    , Andreas profile picture

    Andreas , Villenave-d'Ornon

    Icon category Courses and activities
  • What are the most requested sports lessons and sports activities?

    Home coaching activities are in high demand. A sports coach often offers fitness programs adapted to each profile (overweight person, rehabilitation after a trauma, fight against a sedentary lifestyle).

    The development of telework in cities has greatly favored this sporting practice and it is much easier to respect a fitness program when a coach is there to motivate you, help you respect a rhythm of practice and make you reach your goals. Goals.

    Sports lessons on activities requiring the learning of techniques are also in high demand. This is the case for tennis lessons, golf lessons or dance lessons, for example, for which it is difficult to progress alone without the assistance of someone who has reached a very high level. We often find former champions in the announcements of these sports courses.

    Finally, seniors particularly appreciate more intellectual sports lessons such as chess lessons, bridge lessons, tarot lessons and other board games for which competitions are often organised. The challenge, for these types of sports, is rather to succeed in raising one's personal level thanks to intellectual gymnastics practiced regularly.
  • What skills are needed to offer sports activities?

    In addition to having a diploma or a recognized level of qualification in your sporting field, it is necessary to have certain specific qualities to become a sports coach or to offer sports lessons to individuals.

    If you plan to offer judo lessons, karate lessons or English boxing lessons, for example, you will need to know the basics of sports training and know how to put yourself at the level of your students.

    It is not enough to be good in your sport to know how to manage the pedagogy necessary for teaching your art. In the event of an incident, you must be able to react to help the participants and therefore also have some knowledge of first aid.

    If you want to be a sports coach, you will need to know the anatomy of the human body, have good knowledge of nutrition, know how to motivate a tired practitioner and be in perfect physical shape yourself.

    For more playful sports activities such as chess lessons, bridge lessons or darts lessons, you will need to have acquired all the game techniques practiced during competitions and know how to pass them on patiently to your students if they wish to register for tournaments or even simply improve their personal level.

    Finally, don't forget that if you want to be paid for these courses, you will need to be registered with the tax service of France or Belgium, depending on where you live and where you practice.
  • Who can offer sports lessons to individuals?

    A diploma is not necessarily compulsory to offer your services as a sports coach, for example, but if you have obtained a Professional Certificate or a DEUST in fitness professions, you will be more in demand for requests in sports classes.

    In France, a yoga teacher does not need a diploma either to have the right to teach this discipline, but there is a teacher training called YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) which allows you to prove your skills.

    If you want to practice a sport at home, for example to take combat sports lessons, check the level reached by your sports coach during his career. The majority of combat sports include a hierarchy of their practitioners (for example the black belt in judo).

    If you think you can offer your services to give sports lessons, be aware that registration on Askaide is completely free. We simply check the information you provide on your profile sheet and the comments left by the people who have benefited from your services.

    In this section entitled "sports lessons and sports activities", you can also offer the rental of your sports equipment. This is an activity that is developing, for example, for weight training or fitness equipment that remains unused by its owners.
  • What other sports activities can you do?

    Depending on the region in which you live, you will find on Askaide other types of advertisements on sports lessons. If you live in the mountains, for example, you will be more interested in ski lessons, snowboard lessons, paragliding lessons or snowshoe lessons.

    For those who live by the sea, surfing lessons, sailing lessons or boat piloting lessons can be offered to you.

    Our Askaide platform is intended to be open to all types of sports or physical activities. Our search engine lists almost all the existing sports (jet ski lessons, ULM lessons, Beach soccer lessons, Futsal lessons...) but if you want to add one, do not hesitate to contact us.

    Many of these sports are practiced in teams and Askaide can be an ideal tool to find new practitioners in order to organize, for example, a football match between individuals or to bring together enough practitioners to rent a boat. Don't hesitate to post an ad to this effect: it's completely free.

Ads for Courses and activities by city:

Courses and Activities
Welcome to our platform dedicated to courses and activities in the main cities of France and Belgium. Whether you're looking for private lessons, personal development workshops, artistic or sports training, you're in the right place. We offer a wide selection of passionate and experienced professionals to meet your learning and leisure desires. Our services include language courses, music, painting and pottery workshops, as well as sports and wellness activities suitable for all ages and levels.
Whether you live in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, or elsewhere in France, or in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent in Belgium, our platform helps you discover the activities and courses available near you thanks to our advanced geolocation system. You can easily find the course or activity that matches your expectations and passions, in the city or its surroundings.
We believe that personal fulfillment comes from learning and discovering new activities. That's why we are committed to providing you with easy access to quality courses and enriching activities. Browse our site now to explore the variety of courses and activities on offer and embark on a new adventure of learning and entertainment.

Offer your talents to offer sports lessons

If you have skills to offer sports lessons or sports activities, you can register for free on our platform.

Are you a sports coach? Do you have the skills of a sports instructor and want to pass on your knowledge? Many individuals would like to practice a sporting activity, but do not have the necessary availability to join a club.

Askaide is there to meet this expectation and put sports specialists in touch with individuals wishing to improve their sporting practice thanks to the advice of a competent person.

  Askaide does not charge any commission or subscription on your services.

Our platform is remunerated solely from advertising revenue, which is donated to charities.
  • Askaide offers a variety of sporting activities for all tastes and all levels, ranging from skiing and snowboarding to sailing, beach soccer and futsal, and offers to connect practitioners for free.

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