Help in Housekeeper between individuals

Having a clean and tidy home is essential to feeling good in one's own space. However, for many of us, the time and energy required to achieve this are often in conflict with other obligations and responsibilities in our daily lives. This is where home cleaning assistance can be a practical and effective solution.
At Askaide, we understand that finding a reliable and trustworthy housekeeper can be a challenge for many people. That's why we have created a platform that connects individuals in need of assistance with home helpers available in their area. We offer an easy, fast, and efficient way to find a qualified and experienced housekeeper. Our housekeepers are available to perform a variety of household tasks, ranging from general home maintenance to daily kitchen support. We understand that each home and situation is unique, which is why we provide personalized assistance to meet your specific needs.
With our Askaide platform, you can quickly and efficiently search and compare offers from local housekeepers. The offers for home assistance are posted by members of our mutual aid network and are freely accessible to users of our platform. Furthermore, we are here to help you find the best housekeeper for your needs, taking into account your preferences and budget constraints.
Ultimately, home cleaning assistance can be a practical and cost-effective way to improve your family's quality of life. At Askaide, we are committed to helping individuals find the perfect housekeeper to meet their needs and enhance their quality of life at home. Join our network today and start enjoying the benefits of our Askaide platform.

Check out the latest announcements from Housekeeper

  • Show service information

    Ménage/ repassage

    Bonsoir! Je suis Elsa et je cherche heures de ménage et repassage! Je suis sérieuse et ponctuel. Merci

    , Elsa profile picture

    Elsa , Porcheux

    Icon category Housekeeper
  • Show service information

    Aide ménagère

    Je travaille chez des particuliers entant que aide ménagère depuis bientôt 5 ans, n’ayant que de bons retour je cherche à compléter mon planning. Je fais du ménage, repassage.. une essaie de 1 mois...

    , Patricia profile picture

    Patricia , Nancy

    Icon category Housekeeper
  • Show service information

    Aide a domicile

    Bonjour, jeune auto-entrepreneur dans le domaine du nettoyage je vous propose mes services de nettoyage de chantier de maison ou nettoyage en vue d'un état des lieux également disponible pour du ména...

    , Warrren profile picture

    Warrren , Montpellier

    Icon category Housekeeper
  • Show service information

    Aide ménagère

    Bonjour, je propose mes services d'aide ménagère dans la région de Nanterre et ses environs pour vous aider à garder votre domicile propre et bien organisé. Je peux aider dans le nettoyage de votre ma...

    , Ophélie profile picture

    Ophélie , Nanterre

    Icon category Housekeeper
  • How do I get home help?

    You may need home help for a one-time or recurring need. In both cases, if you use a specialized company, the cost will be significant. Askaide offers you a different solution by focusing on mutual assistance between individuals.

    All you have to do is consult the advertisements posted on our help platform in the household help section and you will obtain free detailed files from people willing to do housework or any other form of household help.
  • How does the Askaide platform for home help work?

    A free help platform
    The first important information to know is that our platform is free. Consultation of home help announcements is totally free and no subscription is required. The only cost to be expected is that of the remuneration of the person who will offer you his home help.
    In addition, if you live in France, you can apply for financial assistance for the remuneration of your household help by appealing to the CESU. See CESU household help.
    For Belgium, there is a similar mechanism for financing household help called Titres Services.
  • What home help services are offered on Askaide?

    All services related to home help. Those that are more specifically addressed to seniors have been brought together in another section of the platform because special skills are required. Ditto for household help requiring care. You will find them in the section of the same name.

    For the rest, here is a non-exhaustive list of home help offered:

    • Help getting up and going to bed
    • Assistance with meals
    • Shopping assistance
    • Housework
    • Housing maintenance
    • Meal preparation
    • Night presence
    • Ironing
    • Keep company

      If this assistance concerns children (for example for assistance with meals), please consult our section entitled Childcare between individuals.
  • Obtaining a domestic help at home: instructions for use

    You have two very simple ways to find home help that meets your needs and is near you:

    1. You consult our ads for home help and indicate the skill sought and the city concerned. You will then obtain a list of proposals as well as a geographical map locating the ads closest to your home. A click on one of these advertisements and you will see the profile of the housekeeper who offers her services.

    1. You create your free account in order to file a request for household help. This will allow you to detail your specific need by specifying your expectations and your constraints. You can then get in touch directly with the people who will respond to your ad and make your choice freely.

Annonces de Housekeeper par ville :

Welcome to our platform dedicated to housekeeping and domestic cleaning services in the main cities of France and Belgium.
Whether you're looking for an experienced housekeeper for regular maintenance of your home, a cleaning service after moving, ironing assistance, or even a professional for the spring deep cleaning, you're in the right place. We provide you with an exhaustive list of qualified professionals to meet your specific needs in household maintenance.
Whether you reside in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, or any other major city in France, or in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, or any other major city in Belgium, our platform has a geolocation system capable of quickly finding you a housekeeper or domestic cleaning service near you. You can thus benefit from a clean and well-maintained interior, regardless of your place of residence.
We firmly believe in the importance of a healthy and orderly indoor environment. That's why we are committed to providing a reliable and professional service, so you can fully enjoy your home without worrying about household chores.
Explore our website now to find the best housekeeping services near you and give your interior the care it deserves.

How to offer your services as a home help?

Do you have experience in home cleaning or other household help?
Are you looking for a small job as a home help?

Many private individuals avoid using specialized service providers because their prices or response times are not suitable.

If you have recognized skills in one of the professions of domestic help at home (cleaning the floors, helping with meals, maintaining the premises) and the time to make available to carry out these small interventions, then you can register on the Askaide platform for helping individuals.
  • Help platform for individuals to find a home helper

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