Happy and focused nanny playing with toddlers in a daycare-like setting

Home care: How to choose between a private nanny and an agency?

Discover the advantages and disadvantages between hiring a private nanny and opting for a childcare agency. Choose the best option for your needs.

Home care: how to choose between a private nanny and an agency?

Do you want to entrust the care of your children ? To tell the truth, this is a Chinese puzzle between a private nanny and a specialized agency! And it's not your little three-year-old Lucas or his eighteen-month-old sister who are going to make the task easier! Each of these solutions offers advantages and disadvantages. This is why we review certain criteria to help you validate the best option based on your needs.

What is a certified childminder?

This early childhood professional welcomes your children into her home. For this, she received authorization from the competent authorities . In addition, she has completed the essential training aimed at guaranteeing the safety and well-being of young children. Thus, an approved nanny offers you a tailor-made approach in a family setting.

Késako, childcare at home?
Home care can be defined as the intervention of a nanny who comes to your home to look after your children. However, you have the choice between two options: a private nanny or a specialized agency . We will discover together the advantages and disadvantages of each of the formulas.

Advantages of the private nanny
In many ways, a live-in nanny is considered the NEC plus ultra for many parents. In fact, it adapts to your requirements and those of your little ones.

Individualized monitoring for each child
She understands the pace and needs of each child. As a result, she offers him activities and games appropriate to his age and interests. This approach promotes their development and personal fulfillment.

A unique relationship based on trust
In this way, you create an authentic bond of trust with her . Moreover, this is crucial for the well-being of your children. Thanks to this friendly person, your little ones feel safe.

Great flexibility to suit your needs
In this case, a special nanny adapts to your restrictive schedules and your requirements . You are free to define the hours of care, the activities carried out and the meals to be designed. Families with atypical schedules appreciate this great flexibility.

Disadvantages of live-in nanny
The administrative or financial aspect may represent a barrier to this option.

Administrative responsibilities : as an employer, you manage the administrative formalities relating to the employment contract and the nanny's pay slips.
Hourly cost : sometimes higher for a particular nanny.

Advantages of the childcare agency
The agency's professionals take care of the various time-consuming constraints for you.

Rigorous selection : agencies ensure that they recruit qualified and experienced nannies. Attribution that ensures the safety of your cherubs.
Simplicity of management : administrative formalities as well as replacements in the event of unavailability of the nanny are completed by the agency.
Peace of mind : you benefit from professional monitoring and a turnkey package.

Disadvantages of the agency
From a personal point of view, you may regret:

a higher cost when dealing with an agency;
less personalization linked to the fact that nannies can change, sometimes leading to disruptions to the stability of the little ones.

In reality, the selection between a private nanny and an agency depends on your lifestyle, your professional requirements and your preferences. In any case, keep in mind that the safety and well-being of your children remains your top priority. Do not hesitate to use Askaide , the platform for sharing between individuals.

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