Help services between individuals in Carcassonne

Carcassonne, located in southern France, is a fortified city renowned for its Medieval City, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The City of Carcassonne is an exceptional example of medieval fortifications with its imposing walls, towers, and castle. This tourist destination attracts thousands of visitors each year thanks to its rich history, preserved architecture, and cultural events, such as the famous Carcassonne Festival. Stroll through the cobbled streets of the city, explore the ramparts, and enjoy the local cuisine, especially the cassoulet. Carcassonne is a must-see for lovers of historical heritage and beautiful landscapes.
<em>Help services</em> between <em>individuals</em> in <em>Carcassonne</em>

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    Bricolage ou mécanique auto

    Fait petit bricolage et mécanique auto

    , michel profile picture

    michel , Carcassonne

    Icon category DIY
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    Garde Chien

    Ayant grandi avec énormément d'animaux chien, chat, rongeur et aimant partagé mon quotidien avec eux, je vous propose mes services.

    , Malorie profile picture

    Malorie , Carcassonne

    Icon category Animal care

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